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English Quiz

Try this English Quiz. It's just for fun! (この英語クイズに挑戦してみてください。 楽しんでね!)

Answer the questions. (クイズの質問に答えてください。)
Then click the "Check your answers" button. (次に「Check your answers」ボタンをクリックします。)
It will tell you your mistakes and the correct answer. (間違いと正解を教えてくれます。)
And it will give your score. (スコアがわかります。)

Click "Try again" to play again. (もう一度再生するには「Try again」をクリックします。).

1. Where _____ you from?

2. What time does she ______ up?

3. Where ______ he live?

4. We eat lunch _____ twelve o'clock.

5. Halloween is ______ October.

6. Christmas is _____ December twenty-fifth.


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