Tobu Junior High School; Nagareyama, Japan Log In

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Main Page
School Events
Classes and Clubs
School English
Students' Work


At Tobu Junior High School, students have many great subjects that they learn.
These include:
  • English
  • Japanese
  • math
  • science
  • P.E.
  • judo
  • social studies
  • music
  • art
  • home economics
  • health and morals
  • wood shop
  • metal shop
  • computers and technology

After-school Clubs

Our school also has a lot of great after-school teams and clubs that students can become a member of.

In Japan, students choose a club or team that they want to join when they first start junior high as a new 7th grader, and stay with the club until near the end of their final year of junior high (9th grade).

Our school's clubs and teams are:
  • softball team
  • baseball team
  • soft tennis team
  • swim team
  • volleyball team
  • kendo team
  • soccer team
  • track and field team
  • basketball teams
  • table-tennis teams
  • art club
  • science club
  • brass band

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