

フィジー共和国大使館 駐日特命全権大使 イシケリ ウルイナイライ マタイトガ様が、阿久津小学校にいらっしゃいました。

The Embassy of the Republic of Fiji Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Japan Mr. Isikeli Uluinairai Mataitoga came to Akutsu Elementary School. The Ambassador visited Takanezawa Town to honor the invitation of Takanezawa Town for Fiji nationals Exchange Festival for at Genkiupmura every year and also for the dispatch of two ALTs to Takanezawa Town. After having lunch at the school lunch center, they visited our school and was taken around for a tour inside the school and the classroom. We thank him for taking his time to visit us considering his busy schedule.